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Technical Drawings

Technical Drawings

Chinese Lantern Case Design

exhibit case design pedestal case

This case design is for a conservation grade pedestal case. In addition to design documents with technical drawings, a model was built to demonstrate access to the conservation chamber in the base of the pedestal. The concept behind this design was creating a series of cases with semi-transparent bases showing internal structure, that could be illuminated to represent Chinese lanterns. These could be used in any sort of Asian exhibition, particularly one featuring Chinese artifacts or art sculptures.

Click on the photo to view all project documents.

Flavor Matrix Interactive

exhibition design interactive

The "Flavor Matrix" is a giant rolling pin wall designed to be an interactive in an exhibition on baking science. It explores the interaction of different flavors' chemistry and provides an experience that engages multiple senses.


It is based on the idea of a frozen yogurt store or a balsamic & olive oil shop, where you are able to dispense your own flavor selections and mix them as you would like. As you “roll out” your flavor, the corresponding wall section lights up, adding a visual layer to the experience and engaging the "non-user".

Included in the project documents is a preliminary maquette demonstrating a cut section of the interactive to help describe how it works.

Click on the photo to view all project documents.

Lighting Design

Lighting Design

Musical Composition Light Lab Piece

lighting design project light lab

This project focused on using light as an artistic medium to complement the composition of a musical piece. Specifically, a cool color palette of purple, aqua, and mint green was selected to accompany the song "Thistle & Weeds" by Mumford & Sons.


The piece uses light to accent the drama and build of the musical composition. It is inspired by moments where the world around the listener is silent and all focus is on being fully absorbed in enjoying a song. The composition of the lighting sequence is meant to reflect the emotional state of being overwhelmed and entranced by a beautiful piece of music.

Click on the image to watch the video.

Dark Star Park

lighting design park light installation

The after dark lighting design of this pre-existing sculptural art installation is galaxy-themed and works with the park's overall focus on the passage of time and creating a sense of one's place in a particular moment in the universe. Working with design concepts of "Day vs. Night, Solar vs. Lunar", "Space & Celestial Bodies", and "Moment in Time", this lighting design is shown at various stages through photoshopped renderings. 

Click on the image to view the full project.

Mood Boards

Mood Boards

Logistics & Writing

Logistics & Writing

Guardians of the Potato

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This project proposal was intended as a grant proposal for a food-based community event. Mentor Andrea Hunter Dietz led all instruction on structuring grant proposals and technical grant writing. As a professional architect & designer, Andrea has written many grant proposals in her career, coordinated a multi-million dollar federal grant, and was VP of Development for the Los Angeles Forum for Architecture and Urban Design.

Click on the above image to view the full proposal, including the abstract, contributor biographies, supporting/affiliated organizations, logistical plans, and schedules.



Skull Drawing Series

This charcoal pencil drawing series is of a cow skull and explores the application of various texturing methods, including blended shading, stippling, and hatching.

Content Creation Portfolio

Alice in Wonderland Conceptual Space Model

This interior model is for a conceptual space design, meant to explore the extent of imagination rather than reality. The design is inspired by Alice in Wonderland, with elements reflecting an entrance falling down the rabbit hole, a staircase of the Cheshire cat’s grin, wavy forest tree obstacles, a tea cup handle, and a climbable timepiece.

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The content creation portfolio demonstrates creative social media management across 4 companies.


Click on the photo to view the work.

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